

Frank Ocean -- two new [artistic expressions]

This week, Frank Ocean has released two visuals; one for 'Swim Good' off of his Nostalgia, Ultra mixtape and another for 'Thinking About You'.

Swim Good

To be honest, this video is simple, yet it totally epitomizes the thoughts I personally have when I hear this song.  Although a rather complex storyline, in the song, the video conveys a message to those who may need a clearer understanding of the song.

frank ocean [swim good] from christopher francis ocean on Vimeo.

Thinking About You

I absolutely love this visual representation.  As opposed to 'Swim Good' and it's video, the song 'Thinking About You' relays a simpler message, but the video is much more complex.  I tend to be quite analytical so I admire all of the thought that went into the creation of this metaphoric and parallel storyline. 

Frank Ocean - Thinking About You (music video) from High5Collective on Vimeo.

One thing I've noticed about all of the Frank Ocean videos I've seen is that they are open-ended, in that they leave room for further reflection and let the viewer finish the storyline in their own way.  While already quite imaginative, they still allow the viewer to use their imagination for interpretation. 

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